Monday, May 7, 2012

Whats more important when determining a computer gaming performance? CPU or Video Card or RAM?

I understand all components of a computer affect performance, but is there any one component that has more weight between the CPU the RAM or the Video Card? If I was building a gaming computer, which would be the best part to invest in if I am on a rather tight budget?|||All three, but in today's games they are video card bottlenecked. Get the best video card you can, and I recommend a Nvidia 8800GT 512mb which are very fast and efficient. If you need cheaper get the 9600GT 512mb, if you want fancier, get the 8800GTS 512mb (not the 640mb one, it's slower).

Then just make sure you have 2gb of ram and a good Intel dual core CPU, the e8400 is a great buy and very fast.|||first cpu then ram then video, but you need all of them|||Try all 3 equally. Video card generates your frame rate. The CPU and RAM determine how fast teh game can run.|||They all have a major impact on gaming performance. Probably the most notable performance increase will be seen from having a high end video card. Having said that it is important to realize that the other worse components of the computer will bottleneck the best part.

I wrote an article on choosing your computer here:…

It might provide some additional information to help your decision.

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